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The rising of the sap: the ultimate in scientific knowledge

The rising of the sap: the ultimate in scientific knowledge

26 April 2023 - BioAksxter®

In the 19th century, they were called sugars, today they are called raw sap and processed sap. Plant sap is a liquid made of water and minerals sucked up from the soil, or rather hydrophonated through the micro-roots (root capillitium), enriched with organic substances processed through chlorophyll photosynthesis (sugars, amino acids, hormones, etc.).

Let it not be said, however, that water is 'absorbed' by the roots, nor that circulation of the sap is an osmotic factor, and even worse that the sap is descending.

That the lymph is descending is a hypothesis deduced from knowledge of the lymphatic circulation system in the human body, which, however, has a filter and drainage, exchange and replacement function.
The biochemical processes in the plant are continuous and as researcher A. Mendini observes, no one can ever prove that the sap returns. If this does happen, we would in fact have tissue necrosis and consequently the death of the plant. The upward force of the lymph is not a hydraulic or even fluid-dynamic issue. We should ask ourselves, how does it have pressure? It is a matter of programming. The plant receives its commands from its magnetic halo structure (aerial sphere).

Although modern plant physiology still refers to Nicolas Théodore De Saussure (a scholar who lived between 1767 and 1845) and the genesis of living plant matter gives the triptych N P K as its key role, it is time to say that the life of every living and non-living organism has a 'programme' as its source.

In the case of plants, primary programming has given rise to an infinite number of programmes and sub-programmes that have determined the complex world of plants.
The programme we now refer to is that of the rising of the sap.

In a dialogue with the late Prof. Jakob Rosental in 2018 shortly before his death, we stated and solved one of the most evocative and obscure problems in plant physiology: the movement of lymph, or the circulation of sap in plants.


Prof. Jakob Rosental, Director of the Agroelektronik Abteilung/Institut VFF Mare Nostrum in Annaberg (Austria), dealing with the management and use of BioAksxter® within the framework of a scientific partnership programme with AXS M31, answered the question why the pots should be placed with the plants upside down. He explained two fundamental processes: the evaporation of water (change from a liquid to a gaseous state) and transpiration (water escaping from the leaves through the stomata).
He cited the differential parameter of the water potential, which is lower in the intercellular spaces of the leaves than in the atmosphere, to explain the phenomenon of the rising sap, making it clear that in order to promote its outflow-return, one must act against the force of gravity. Hence the reverse positioning, to protect the dehydrated roots from non-watering.
Citing Dixon (late 19th century), he attributed the physical phenomenon of evaporation, whereby a suction force is generated on the surface of leaves that displaces water molecules within the plants' complex intracellular system, to the Tension-Cohesion theory.
As the molecules adhere to each other, they create continuous, contiguous chains in the xylem ducts that, similar to high-speed motorway lanes, start from the root apexes and reach the tips of the highest leaves.

It was then that, with these words, we enunciated an augmentative vision taken from researcher Mendini's study of magnetic anti-gravity:

... This is where the plant's programme comes into play, understood as the set of ways and times in which energetically vital processes take place. These include the ability to transport sap throughout the height of the plant without the aid of a pump, as is the case with the heart for the human circulatory system. In fact, how does a large tree (baobab, redwood, sycamore, eucalyptus, etc.) carry its liquid mass of sap and nutrients all the way to the top? How can one water molecule at the lower level support the weight of all the others at the upper level? It is the weight that must be considered. For example, to lift 200 kg of sap to a height of 10 metres would require a 200 kW pump. What enables this movement is a kind of layering of gravitational and anti-gravitational magnetic fields. Among the vital functions of any plant, be it a bonsai tree or a very tall sequoia, the upward movement of the sap and the transport of nutrients from the micro-roots to the leaves are explained by researcher A. Mendini according to new parameters. Treatises on plant physiology report that the pressure-driven mass flow of water through the xylem is the mechanism responsible for long-distance transport in the plant, but this theory has no practical application in the case of a sequoia whose height exceeds 100 metres with a diameter of 10 and a liquid mass of 500,000 litres for whose ascent a pressure of 10 atmospheres would be required. As recently as a decade ago, researcher A. Mendini asserted that the answer to a new science and the overcoming of the theories that have occupied scientific minds for hundreds of years lies in the hydrophony of plants. The term identifies the sucking function of water and nutrients by the micro-roots, the upward thrust of the sap and its diffusion into the tissues that occurs through a continuous inversion of gravitational force into anti-gravitational force. This biodynamic movement is enacted by interconnected, rotating magnetic spheres and generates a sound whose wavelength can be measured in nano-Ångström with special dimensional gate instruments. The spheres subdivide and multiply within themselves to increase the transport speed of the liquid mass, e.g. when changes in ambient temperatures induce a lower viscosity or when lunar phases induce a change in the earth's magnetic field. Another question that is worth asking to confirm such biodynamic movement in the plant is how this could be otherwise implemented and maintained in Space where there is no gravity. In the light of the above, without wishing to change Your method of study, for the purposes of further verification of the magnetic action of the product, it would be interesting to proceed with a comparison between inverted and non- inverted plants.

This was his last letter:

In our VFF Institute, there has been a firm conviction for decades, and for me too, that so-called official science can be compared to a car launched at high speed on a straight motorway, the drivers of which are totally blindfolded because they are obtusely committed to primarily pursuing results and benefits for their own use and consumption. They use the term 'Scientific Research' improperly, since in our opinion most people engaged in the so-called world of applied research pursue quite different ends and purposes than the basic concept of 'Kapieren und Kopieren' (Understanding and copying).

To fully understand what Mr. Mendini has achieved so far, it is necessary to empty the mind of certain scientific axiomatic concepts, i.e. those I expressed in my previous e-mail but only as the basis of the current knowledge or rather the status quo of understanding of natural phenomena, which many scholars for the sake of convenience... have simplified in their enunciation without delving into the fundamental aspects of interdisciplinarity with latent issues as enunciated by Mr. Mendini:

- Plant Hydrophony
- Biodynamic movements in gravitational and weightless fields

In our document that is being prepared and will be sent to you with the authorisation to publish it on your site and send it to your direct users if you so wish, we will give ample space to an issue that has always been too underestimated.

That is to say: the various terms 'Scientific Researcher, Scholar, Expert, Technological Excellence, etc.' are reductive and misused terminologies, without emphasising the basic concept of study as a form of application of the human mind to transform ideas into practice.

The understanding of new concepts is the sole prerogative of open minds not conditioned by preconceptions of an axiomatic or impositional nature because they represent the non plus ultra of scientific knowledge recognised to date.

This is why, for more than 40 years, in our VFF Institute, we have been meticulously collecting the memories and experiences of old farmers and people who, although they had no basis for study, in their simple lives had understood certain natural phenomena, had learnt to respect them and follow their course in the cyclical nature of events that have determined the various evolutionary processes in a natural way for thousands of years.

It is therefore elementary to understand that where artificial variations occur in any closed circuit of a natural sequence of events (a circuit that is closed for the specific event, but open in its interaction with other events, again of natural origin), then when faced with such interference, the natural system also modifies itself, but at a different and slower pace until the so-called point of no return, where it is impossible to 'self-repair' a natural sequence of events, disturbed or damaged by artificial external interventions, created in this case by the processes of industrial (devolutionary) growth that for 200 years have negatively conditioned in most cases, the current natural balance of things.

It is not just a matter of talking about abstract philosophy, but of realising that in order to actually be able to enter into the analysis of studies other than the 'traditional concepts of officially recognised scientific knowledge.... "it is necessary, indeed, condicio sine qua non... to perform a mental reset.

Only after this procedure is it then possible to understand the language of the terms that characterise the studies and concrete results achieved by Hr. Mendini, which, compared to many other independent researchers, he knew and was able to transform into practical and usable realities for everyone, unlike the albeit important but complex considerations of the incomplete studies carried out by Viktor Schauberger, Pier Luigi Ghidina and Wilhelm Reich.

Unfortunately, as is often the case (see the case of N. Tesla), the above-mentioned people have become the posthumous victims of low-level speculation phenomena, attributable to the classic incompetence (and ignorance) of the many people who have only sought to exploit the commercial side-effects of what had been achieved as studies by Schauberger, Ghidina, Reich, etc.

The academic world only sees what is in front of its table and no further, and does not care if its studies and aims can in the medium to long term, really lead to real, valid and definitive results. Career, economic results, profit and referentialism, are the primary evaluation parameters pursued... and everything else (incomprehensible to those who are sclerotic about preconceptions) is clumsily tagged as 'Pseudo-science'.

Faced with such a status-quo, there is nothing left but to respond as Virgil said to Dante:
"Fama di loro il mondo esser non lassa; misericordia e giustizia sdegna li: non ragioniam di lor, ma guarda e passa."

There is no more fitting example to describe the Ignoramuses of the 21st century, those scientists who do not have the courage to take sides against their assumed convictions that do not allow for any other different conceptions and who entrench themselves with presumption and arrogance within the caste of 'Official Science', forgetting to apply the basic rules of professional ethics that define leaving the door open at all times and in particular towards new concepts and directions of interdisciplinary studies.

Our document will follow shortly as promised.

The document never reached us again. Perhaps it got lost among the bookish jars or in the transport of the photosyntheses....

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