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The reproduction of natural fertilisation processes

The reproduction of natural fertilisation processes

28 February 2025 - Silvana Zambanini

The agronomist did not distinguish between manuring and fertilisation, nor did he ask questions beyond what was conveyed in his books. For example, what the natural fertilisation process was, understood as the primary process from which plant life on Earth was and is generated. And why not, also what the first plant on the planet was born from and fed on, when the organic world was not yet so preeminent. Yet he explained how important it was to manure well and by suggesting 500/1000 quintals per hectare he had already excluded the origins of the inorganic and organic chemistry in his books.

It is this linking of natural phenomena present at the origin of processes, this genesis of life that is never considered, something ‘Mendinian’ (not to quote Alessandro Mendini again) that had fascinated me from the very beginning. Yes, the beginning, as the principle of everything, a seed that secretly encloses past-present-future.

The processes of natural fertilisation

Continuing to distinguish between fertilisation and manuring, it should be pointed out that Mother Nature does not manure but fertilises. This means that she does not use substances and mixtures that derive from manufacturing processes, nor materials and waste materials from such processes. In the process of natural fertilisation, plants obtain the substances they need and do so through primary processes using essentially three things: minerals, water and energy. 

Therefore, improving the fertility of agricultural soil and the nourishment of cultivated plant species or, at any rate, their better development are actions already preserved by Mother Nature in terms of the balance of plant and soil through the manufacture and transformation of substances. By contrast, the massive disposal of processing wastes, rather than the varied and massive production of pollutants, as well as other organic fertilisation ennobled as ‘fertiliser science’ are not. Perhaps man is the first waste of the gods. 


The thunderstorm effect as a natural fertilisation process

In the light of the above and the consequent risk of humanity's self-elimination from the face of the Earth, not only in an agronomist or farmer format as they are directly responsible for the Nature system, but also simply in a consumer format as food excludes no one, it is urgent and logical to rediscover the high road of natural processes.

This is the path taken by AXS M31, the respect and understanding of Mother Nature's values, this is the innovative part of fertilisation.

Twenty-three years ago, we announced ourselves with a text appropriately entitled ‘The Innovative Fertilisation’. And even then, we spoke of the ‘Thunderstorm Effect’, to explain the natural fertilisation process reproduced by BioAksxter®.

It is necessary to look at the atmospheric phenomenon of the thunderstorm not as a vertical movement of air masses, but as particle loading at high altitude, at that stage when this accumulation of energy (at air level) is transferred via water to the mineral component (earth level). That process of inert loading is repeated when BioAksxter® is distributed: nation of virgin micro-organisms, energy to crops, increased oxygen exchange, life to life.

What a thunderstorm does is not just generate precipitation, it is a real balancing act.

The energy that accumulates and discharges during the intense thunderstorm phenomenon has many effects, including that of disinfecting the air and vegetation. The thunderstorm water dissolves a thin, invisible film of minerals in the soil, producing a compound that is absorbed by the micro-roots of plants and transformed into plant cell structure.

A thunderstorm initiates the process of natural fertilisation precisely through the creation of virgin micro-organisms using essentially three things: energy, minerals, water.

Solar energy stored at altitude, minerals from the earth and... water.

Water, the universal solvent

Water is the universal solvent. Water by its very nature is shape-shifting, you know, it changes state from liquid to solid to gaseous, it is snow, hail and frost, it is rain, clouds and dew, it is mist, steam, ice... it has no stable form, it flows, rises, falls, stagnates, jumps, flows, swirls, sinks: a poignant and unknown form of love between creative intelligence and matter.

Water is not just a chemical reaction, a sterile dance between hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Water nourishes life, orders biological structure, builds living beings... Water takes shape, generates forms, informs, is the key to controlling the climate, the earth's biochemistry, a crop.

Understanding and copying water is not a human endeavour because water is not just a liquid.

Hydromagnetozone, an ionised water production plant designed and developed by researcher A. Mendini for the production lines of BioAksxter® depolluting formulations

Perfectly suited to every biochemical process and the physiology of living beings, we find it as the foundation of the BioAksxter® formulations and in Hydromagnetozone, the ionised water production plant designed and developed by researcher A. Mendini for the production lines of these disinfectant formulations. Mendini for the production lines of these de-polluting formulations. 

It is not simply the chemical-physical aspect, but the magnetic aspect that most closely concerns the essence and secrets of this substance that is indispensable for life.

The term ‘hydromagnetozone’ refers to the nature of water, which precisely reproduces the related natural process of the time effect. The healthy one of yesteryear.

The hydromagnetozone water used as a solvent in BioAksxter® formulations, together with the magnetic stamp of the minerals and the energy in liquid form of the computerised hydrocompress magnetic charges, reproduce and reconstitute the natural fertilisation process that is now globally compromised: they purify the soil by recreating life, decontaminate the water and air by providing the plant with the dynamic programme of life processes.

BioAksxter® is the science of Nature, and its use means decontamination, fertilisation, prosperity.


For any information about BioAksxter® de-polluting products, contact us via webform or by calling +39 0465 734591

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