Soil regeneration and vegetative-productive improvement of apple tree
The protocol, started in September 2010 by the company AXS M31, was requested by the customer for:
- Avoiding chemical sterilisation of the soil and safeguarding the apple orchard from stunting. The intervention concerned the plot called ‘Piscina’.
- Increasing the vegetative and productive capacity of the Red Delicious variety Jeromine. The intervention concerned the plot called ‘Tangenziale’, where the problem was already manifest, and the plot called ‘Bersaglio’ where prevention was carried out.
The Martin Silvano Farm, based in Saluzzo - CN (Italy) specialises in the production of apples (Royal Gala, Red Delicious, Granny Smith and Pink Lady varieties), nectarines (Big Top and Ali Top varieties) and kiwifruit varieties Hayward.
Fruit-growing has been going on for several decades and almost all the crops are at the 2nd or 3rd replanting stage. The soils, located on the plain, are of medium texture, free of skeleton with a good organic substance content.
Regeneration of apple orchard soil
In order to avoid chemical sterilisation of the soil and to safeguard the apple orchard from exhaustion, the protocol provided for soil regeneration.
In addition to BioAksxter® M31 Agriculture, a product specially developed by researcher Alessandro Mendini called ‘soil-regenerating microorganism balancer’ was used, to be distributed in the period before planting.
The extirpation of the previous crop, consisting of Red Delicious around 20 years old, took place in November 2010 and the new planting took place in April 2011; Royal Gala Buckeye® varieties bred on two axes and grafted onto M9 Emla, with a planting density of around 2325 plants per hectare.
Intervention Plan
Results with BioAksxter® in apple cultivation
During 2011, the objectives were fully achieved.
The rooting rate of the plants planted was 98%. The plant developed uniformly, and the apical shoots of the main branches and axes reached a length of between 40 and 70 centimetres. The diameter of the stem and branches increased in a balanced manner and in proportion to the length of the shoots. The hatching of a high number of wood buds resulted in greater branching and differentiation of the fruit buds.
The estimated production potential for the second year of planting is around 8-10 kilograms of fruit per plant.
13 May 2011, Royal Gala just over a month after transplantation
15 July 2011, Royal Gala about 3 months after transplantation
9 September 2011 Royal Gala about 5 months after transplantation
9 September 2011, Apical cast of Royal Gala, about 5 months after transplanting
9 September 2011, fruit buds and toast of Royal Gala, about 5 months after transplanting
Improvement of vegetative and productive activity of apple trees
The improvement of vegetative and productive activity concerned the cultivation of Red Delicious varieties grafted onto M9, which are sensitive to slowing down of vegetative development and loss of vigour.
The phenomenon manifested itself through the progressive reduction of vegetative activity and culminated with the entry into full production with shorter branching and reduced or unmarketable fruit. Productive losses were given by the lower quintalage, higher percentage of waste and lower commercial value of the harvest.
Following the analysis of the causes, researcher Alessandro Mendini specially developed a ‘plant lymph flow regulator’ to accelerate the achievement of the goal for the following plots:
- ‘Tangenziale’ plot, cultivated with Red Delicious Jeromine grafted on M9 Pajam® 1 with a planting density of 1938 plants per hectare. The planting was carried out in 2004, and the problem had manifested itself by 2009. In that year, the percentage of unmarketable fruit (size < 65 mm) had increased from 4 to 7%; in 2010, the percentage of unmarketable fruit had further increased to 17%. In the plot, the use of BioAksxter® began in March 2009 with the aim of solving the problem of alternating production, which from one year to the next caused a fluctuation of 35-40% in the quintalate. In 2009, a production load year, overall production increased by 57% and the development of fruiting buds was still high. In 2010, which was supposed to be a dump year, however, the harvest was in line with the previous year.
- ‘Bersaglio’ plot, where prevention was carried out. The planting was carried out in April 2009. It consists of two-axis trained Jeromine, grafted on M9 Emla. The planting density is 2083 plants per hectare. In the plot, the use of BioAksxter® began in October 2009 in order to improve production and prevent the problems of dieback of young apple trees, which is widespread in the fruit-growing area. In 2010, there were neither failures nor decortication and cracking of the stem; on the contrary, in the plots of neighbouring plots and in the plants planted at the same time and with plants of the same origin, the death rate was 15-40%;
July 2010 Red Delicious Jeromine plants with low vigour and reduced vegetative activity
September 2010 Red Delicious Jeromine apples with reduced size
September 2010 Red Delicious Jeromine 2nd leaf in the first year of treatment with BioAksxter®.
Intervention Plan
Results with BioAksxter® on apple crops
In the ‘Tangenziale’ plot, the vegetative capacity was re-established and even in the most stunted plants, the number of brindles increased, and the apical shoots reached a length of 30 to 40 centimetres. The average fruit size increased and the percentage of unmarketable apples was almost halved compared to the previous year. Marketable production increased by 25.4% compared to the peak production years and by 46.8 % compared to 2010.
9 September 2011, Red Delicious Jeromine after the intervention
September 2011, Red Delicious Jeromine apples of regular size after intervention
In the ‘Bersaglio’ plot, vegetative development remained high and no plants with low vigour were evident. Production was excellent in terms of both quantity and quality. The percentage of apples smaller than 65 mm was 0.4 % and the marketable yield was over 13 kg per plant.
September 2011, Red Delicious Jeromine III leaf in excellent balance
September 2011 Red Delicious Jeromine of excellent quality
September 2011, Red Delicious Jeromine 3rd leaf
The objectives set at the start of the protocol have been achieved more than satisfactorily.
Continued regular use of BioAksxter® M31 Agriculture will improve the rebalancing process and keep the rejection rates within the threshold of natural tolerability and maintain the results over time.