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M31 Agriculture

Field of application: fruit growing, horticulture, cereal growing, olive growing

The natural, organic, depolluting fertiliser that rebalances the plant-soil system.

What it does

> depollutes and revitalises the soil thanks to advanced technology
> prevents the productive decline of agricultural land
> regenerates exploited and contaminated agricultural land
> prevents and reduces diseases (fungi, bacteria, viruses)
> increases the plants' natural defences
> enables the overcoming of climatic shocks and all stress conditions
> accelerates photosynthesis and promotes cell regeneration
> considerably increases production and quality yields
> eliminates chemical residues from plant and fruit
> increases the organoleptic properties and shelf life of agricultural products

Why choose it?

* BIOAKSXTER® M31 Agriculture is a profitable investment for the farm
* Only one tank per hectare per year: a little goes a long way
* easy-to-use liquid fertiliser, can be applied without protection
* is miscible with any agricultural product
* is free of harmful effects on plants, animals and humans
* this innovative fertiliser restores the natural balance of the ecosystem
* CE-marked fertiliser, allowed in organic farming

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Shipping by express courier with delivery within 5 working days.

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Contact us for a specific intervention plan for your agricultural needs.

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1L bottle


5L tank


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Benefits and methods of use

Cereal Crops

Cereal crops



  • The plant rebalancing reduces the excess vigour and bedding phenomena. The structure of regular growth, the tillering of a greater number of culms and the best pollination determines a productive increase (demonstrated by university research) of 25-30% of grains and 10-15% of straws.
  • The elimination of chemical and polluting residues determines greater seed vitality and an increase of nutritional properties. It also improves the grains storage and conservation, avoiding the development of toxins when stored in silos.
  • The increase in plant self-defences prevents and reduces the development of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of the air and root apparatus. Moreover, it increases the resistance to climatic stresses and reduces the damages caused by drought, acid or persistent rains, frost and sudden temperature changes.
  • The soil regeneration and revitalisation rebalance the microorganic fauna, restoring fertility and humification capacity. The soil exhaustion issues are progressively solved and and crop residues degrade rapidly. The soil also improves in the structure and consequently is more workable and oxygenated, less subject to water stagnation in rainy periods and with a greater capacity of water retention in periods of drought.


SHAKE BEFORE USE. Delute in water and treat by root or by foliar way according to instructions.

Cereal crops: 2 liters per hectare per crop cycle divided into 3-5 interventions (variable for each type of crop)

  • In case crops are hit by stubborn phytopathologies, it is necessary to double the dosage of the first 3 treatments. Moreover, pre-treatments with triple dose may be necessary according to technical evaluation.

Distribution mode

  • The indicated doses can be diluted in any volume of water and distributed, either radically or foliarly, by any means available and with any meteorological condition.
  • Doses higher than those indicated will never damage the plant.


  • The treatments on larger surfaces (over 50 hectares) decrease the quantity of product to be used by 20%.
  • When growing rice, pour BioAksxter® directly into the water inlet when the paddy is submerged. Between emptying and filling the paddy, the product is retained in the soil, so it does not lose its effectivness.
Doses for surfaces less than one hectare
until 1.000 m2 x 3
until 2.500 m2 x 2,5
until 5.000 m2 x 1,5
until 8.000 m2 x 1,2

Proportion the dose per hectare to the surface to be treated and multiply by the coefficient.

Tree Fruit Crops

Tree Fruit Crops & Orchards



  • The plant rebalance optimises the vegetative development and favors a greater fructification. The excess vigour is reduced and bud differentiation and ripening are increased. The phenomena of alternation decreases, the productions are distinguished by uniformity of fruit size and colour, reduction of fruit waste and post-harvest losses. A greater consistency and elasticity of the fruit tissues reduce cracks and increase the fruit hardness which is maintained over time.
  • The elimination of chemical and polluting residues removes harmful substances from soil, plant and fruit. It improves the taste and sugar content of the fruit, increases the percentage of vitamins and antioxidants, determines a greater shelf life of the agricultural product.
  • The greater resistance to climatic stresses reduces the damages caused by drought, acid or persistent rains, frost and temperature changes; in case of hailstorms it accelerates the plant healing and restores its vegetative functions.
  • The increase in self-defences prevents and reduces both diseases conditioned by climatic variations such as powdery mildew and scab, and more complex diseases such as plum pox virus, apple proliferation and erwinia amylovora. Moreover, in case of persistent rains during harvest, the use of BioAksxter® is crucial to avoiding and containing the development of monilia, botrytis and fruit rot.
  • The soil regeneration and revitalisation rebalances the microorganic fauna, restoring fertility, humification capacity and soil structure. The issues related with soil exhaustion are progressively solved. The orchards are homogeneous in terms of both vegetative development and productivity; young plants anticipate the first production.


SHAKE BEFORE USE. Dilute in water and treat by root or by foliar way according to instructions.

Fruit growing: 4,5 liters per hectare per year. Interventions every 15 days from the vegetative recovery to the harvest + 1 pre-winter treatment.

  • In case crops are hit by stubborn phytopathologies, it is necessary to double the dosage of the first 3 treatments. Moreover, pre-treatments with triple dose may be necessary according to technical evaluation.

Distribution mode

  • The indicated doses can be diluted in any volume of water and distributed, either radically or foliarly, by any means available and with any meteorological condition.
  • BioAksxter® is miscible with any other product and can be used in any phenological and cultivation phase, even during flowering and harvesting.
  • Doses higher than those indicated will never damage the plant.


  • The treatment in bloom favors the pollination as the bees are attracted to it.
  • During the preparation of the soil for new plants, carry out a treatment at least 15 days before the transplant.
  • If you'll wet the plants before planting with 50 ml per hectolitre of water, you'll obtain major reduction of the transplant stress, thus facilitating engraftment.
  • Pre-winter treatment is of paramount importance to safeguard the vital capacity of the plant during the rest period when the plant is more vulnerable. It helps the plant to keep the energy for budding as much as possible.
  • The soil preparation treatment carried out before the burial of crop residues further improves their degradation and humification.
Doses for surfaces less than one hectare
until 1.000 m2 x 3
until 2.500 m2 x 2,5
until 5.000 m2 x 1,5
until 8.000 m2 x 1,2

Proportion the dose per hectare to the surface to be treated and multiply by the coefficient.

Olive orchards

Olive orchards



  • The rebalancing of the plant optimises its vegetative development favoring a better buds differentiation, fruit set and resulting in a significant production increase. The plant also has a better capacity on processing the nutritional elements, thus increasing the percentage of oil, aromas, vitamins and antioxidant substances. A greater tissues elasticity increases the plant resistance to wind and mechanical damages during harvest.
  • The elimination of chemical residues and pollutants lowers the oil acidity and also avoids harmful substances to affect the consumer’s health.
  • The increase in plant self-defences prevents and reduces pathogenic attacks. The plant also generates insect repellent substances effective to counter the olive fly. It is also more resistant to temperature shocks, especially frost.
  • The increased resistance to climatic stresses reduces damage caused by drought, acid or persistent rains, temperature changes and frosts; in case of hailstorms it accelerates healing and the resumption of vegetative functions.
  • The regeneration and revitalization of the soil rebalance the microorganic fauna, restore fertility, humification capacity and soil structure; increase the soil draining capacity and water retention in the dry seasons as well as workability. The olive groves are homogeneous in both vegetative development and productivity. Young trees anticipate the first production.


SHAKE BEFORE USE. Delute in water and treat by root or by foliar way according to instructions.

Olive growing: 4,5 liters per hectare per year. Interventions every 15 days from the vegetative recovery to the harvest + 1 pre-winter treatment.

  • In case your olive orchards are hit by stubborn phytopathologies, it is necessary to double the dosage of the first 3 treatments. Moreover, pre-treatments with triple dose may be necessary according to technical evaluation.

Distribution mode

  • The indicated doses can be diluted in any volume of water and distributed, either radically or foliarly, by any available means and with any meteorological condition.
  • BioAksxter® is miscible with any other product and can be used in any phenological and cultivation phase, even during flowering and harvesting.
  • Doses higher than those indicated will never damage the plant.


  • During the preparation of the soil for new plants, carry out a treatment at least 15 days before the transplant.
  • If you'll wet the plants before planting with 50 ml per hectolitre of water, you'll obtain major reduction of the transplant stress, thus facilitating engraftment.
Doses for surfaces less than one hectare
until 1.000 m2 x 3
until 2.500 m2 x 2,5
until 5.000 m2 x 1,5
until 8.000 m2 x 1,2

Proportion the dose per hectare to the surface to be treated and multiply by the coefficient.

Small fruits

Small fruits

Horticulture in open field

Horticultural open field crops

Greenhouse horticulture

Greenhouse horticulture




Case stories

Some of the experiences of those who have developed a profitable agricultural business thanks to the use of BioAksxter® fertilizers.

Flavio, produttore di meloni in serra

Flavio, produttore di meloni in serra

Reinhard, produttore di mele

Reinhard, produttore di mele

Pierluigi, produttore di piante in vaso

Pierluigi, produttore di piante in vaso

Mauro, produttore di kiwi

Mauro, produttore di kiwi

Silvano, produttore di pesche, mele e kiwi

Silvano, produttore di pesche, mele e kiwi

Claudio, produttore di ciliegie e albicocche

Claudio, produttore di ciliegie e albicocche

Dario & Adriano, produttori di ortaggi e frutta

Dario & Adriano, produttori di ortaggi e frutta

Claudio, produttore di frutta e verdura

Claudio, produttore di frutta e verdura


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