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How to improve and enhance the Natural Defences of Plants

How to improve and enhance the Natural Defences of Plants

31 January 2025 - Silvana Zambanini

What did you think? That plants don't try to defend themselves? Defend themselves against what?

Yes, plants also try to defend themselves, against environmental threats, pathogens, parasites, micro-organisms and more, which is why we say natural plant defences, but also autoimmune plant defences

The plant is a deprived being by nature, it must provide food for the lower kingdoms. It develops and relates to the external environment, it is a kind of energy engine that feeds the natural self-defences (e.g. formation of primary and secondary metabolites).

Although they do not have an adaptive immune system as in vertebrates (animals and humans), plant organisms through their cells are able to alert themselves and set up a true defence system, not only through autonomous biochemical mechanisms that, for example, are rapidly induced at the site of infection, but primarily through their own magnetic field.

From the studies of researcher Alessandro Mendini to the most recent findings of the AXS M31 Research Centre, counteracting the prevailing opinions of the scientific world, of scholars and practitioners enlisted to the business world, the unknown truth of a new physics emerges: plants, like every other organism, are part of cosmic life and participate in the constant genesis of our cosmos. Not only do they produce our environment, but even before that they decode planetary impulses by translating them into matter.

Biotransduction of planetary pulses to plants - Photographic survey AXS M31 Research Centre

This foundation of plant life, but also of the existence of every being on the planet, explains why the limitation of human knowledge not only undermines scientific progress, but above all distances us from the meaning of life. A plant without light does not grow, it weakens and dies, so a civilisation groping in the dark, devoured by its own darkness, can disappear from the face of the earth. It has already happened. 

Natural plant defences: why do plants get diseased?

There are two questions one often hears, one is why plants get sick, the other is why they get sicker and sicker. And then there is a consideration: plants used to get sick a lot less in the past. 

The question should converge more on the reactivity of the plant that over time has actually been destroyed by the indiscriminate use of chemicals. After all, residues of the pesticides used in their cultivation are found in agricultural products, the same ones that have contaminated the surface and ground waters with which crops are irrigated.
A slow and inexorable abrogation of life.

Thus, plants are becoming increasingly ill because:

  • the life matrices (soil, water, air) are compromised by global pollution, which alters the physical, chemical and biological conditions of the soil and crops;
  • the genetic material is modified in such a way that plant varieties are weakened; consequently, the seed is also weakened;
  • there are no longer any seasons; climate change spares nothing and no one;
  • the expenditure of energy to overcome stress conditions (violent microbial, toxic, traumatic, thermal, etc. stimuli) weakens the plants' natural self-defences;
  • the socio-cultural context and the way in which the farm is run; the cultivation method and agronomic practices employed; the products used. 

In other words, a wide range of factors contribute to the outcome of agricultural production.

Natural plant defences: when ignoring them harms

Caught up in the fear of the dramatic economic and social repercussions that plant diseases could cause, the agricultural system has for some time now been using inappropriate language: pest and plant disease control, defence strategies, resistance (to predators, antibiotics, change) and emergency, here not understood as the phase following the germination of the seed, but as a state of alarm following events.
Rather than the concept of life, as the source of nature, harmony and balance, proper to evolutionary human thought, it all seems to converge on the concept of death.

Does the agricultural system generate plant torturer? 

The disruption of natural balances and the exploitation of resources is an anthropogenic prerogative. The agricultural system is an attitude as well as a set of actions compromising soil health, the ability to produce food, food quality, and the health of living beings. Agriculture should be our primary resource, instead, it has become a slow and inexorable destruction of life. Special thanks are due to politics and science, the one a corrupt bunch, the other increasingly old and in need of advancement, on which the heavy ass of power sits.

Agriculture? An old madam...

Old, old in her dress, manners and behaviour. No doubt about it, agriculture is old and decadent. Like an old soubrette who by dint of being plastic can no longer even smile. She is a mask of the carnival floats that mark the period of penitence preceding the Lenten fast.

In the agricultural system, plants are only concerned with how much they yield, certainly not with the quality of their nutrition or the impact on their lives. After all, if one can speak of evolution, how could mankind, so busy scratching the bottom, give rise to a philosophy of the species that destroys the living environment on which it depends?


Preventive interventions and sustainable solutions to Increase Plant Defences

Among the most recurring requests received is the question of sustainable solutions to boost plant defences, especially now that the retreat of the Green Deal is hampering the ability of weak and exhausted plants to defend themselves. Crops are becoming increasingly fragile due to droughts, heat waves and increasingly irregular rainfall, and the absence of winter cold which encourages the proliferation of pathogens.

There is no point in resorting to curative products, bio-stimulants, corroborants, resistance inducers, antagonistic micro-organisms and mycorrhizal fungi, in short, all those products that are the waste products of obtuse knowledge. Rather than nourishing plants with outdated substances, it is now necessary to breathe life into them.

It must be said that the life processes of plants depend on the earth's magnetic field and its variations (whether natural or induced) recorded and cued in the primary programmatic of plants. The earth's magnetic field is in turn fed and modulated by cosmic radiation to such an extent that it affects the subatomic structure of matter and thus the inorganic and organic world from which host organisms originate and evolve on the planet.

Thus, life is not brought to life by bringing in substances, derivatives and materials from secondary production cycles. Nor by robbing the planet of the resources needed for ecosystems. Giving life to life means reprogramming the precursor magnetic flows of life from which natural resources originated.

This assertion brings us back to the magnetic flux of BioAksxter® formulations capable of reprogramming vital energies, excluding the stimulation of the plants' natural defences and thus the energy expenditure of the plants, thus actually favouring higher qualitative and quantitative yields.

BioAksxter® in fact activates and repotentialises the plant's natural defences through its ability to reprogramme not only plant biochemistry but the entire energy field.

A pivotal role for human life.

M31 Agriculture

M31 Agriculture

The only depolluting fertiliser for fruit growing, olive growing, cereal growing, horticulture and nursery gardening. Indicated for preventing and healing diseases by increasing the plant's natural defences.

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