Guide to the construction and cultivation of the raised bed garden
Since this is a raised bed garden in a greenhouse built for the Advanced Technical and Scientific Experimental Research Sector in the field of plant life structures in general of the AXS M31 company, an electrical system to light the greenhouse and a drip irrigation system were set up as a first step.
The surface in the greenhouse was covered entirely with gravel to promote temperatures and the spread of light irradiation in order to create an environment as natural as possible, thus reflecting the company's philosophy.
In any case, everyone can make a raised bed garden with ease and enjoy its fruits.
How? Follow this guide:
The raised bed garden is not built at ground level. Structures are used to keep it raised above the ground so that it can be easily cultivated such as caissons (wooden, stone or metal) without a bottom so as to promote drainage.
Once the caissons are placed with the right spacing for the walkway:
1. Place 20 cm of 0-8 gravel on the bottom for drainage.
2. On top, put a separating millimeter net or nonwoven fabric.
3. Add soil.
4. If irrigation pipes from the ground have been placed, connect them to the drip pipes above the soil to be cultivated.
5. Treat the soil with BioAksxter® depolluting fertilizer 10-15 days before planting/transplanting.
6. Here is the raised bed garden ready for sowing and transplanting.
However, after building the raised bed garden, there remains the most important part: building the productive results…
Find out how to proceed, in the following points.
7. Weekly treatments with BioAksxter® ensure healthy production because it is free from chemical residues and environmental pollutants. But that's not all...
8. In no time at all, with BioAksxter® you can turn a raised bed garden into a beautiful garden.
9. Experience raised bed garden cultivation with BioAksxter®: balance of plant and soil, optimal plant health, lush vegetation, luster of plant tissues, but also ... flavor and shelf life of vegetables.
10. Eating well: as shown in university studies, agricultural products grown with BioAksxter® are found to be richer in antioxidant nutrients.
Growing the raised bed garden with BioAksxter® is a real satisfaction.