Eutrophication is a phenomenon caused by an excessive presence of pollutants in water, often making aquatic life unsustainable. In recent years, the overuse of chemical and biological fertilizers in agriculture has led to serious environmental issues related to the eutrophication of surface waters, increasing degenerative processes in aquatic ecosystems.
This issue is exacerbated by high concentrations of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in the water, as well as elevated daily temperatures, which lower oxygen levels and create ideal conditions for the proliferation of unicellular algae and algal blooms. As these organisms complete their life cycle, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, making the water increasingly hypoxic and eventually toxic for fish and other aquatic life. This results in foul-smelling, putrid landscapes, attracting insects, bacteria, and pathogens, posing potential health risks to humans, such as skin diseases, eye inflammations, and other ailments.
The use of the BioAksxter® decontaminating fertilizer in agriculture helps prevent and reduce water eutrophication by limiting leaching and runoff of agricultural inputs into water bodies. It reduces nutrient washout, restores soil structure, and increases fertility levels. Additionally, by treating crops with BioAksxter®, its decontaminating action extends to internal and marine waters through the natural water-soil-plant-air exchanges, thus combating water resource depletion and disruptions in the hydrological cycle.